A Vital Sector
California's ports bring goods and materials into our state and nation, while also taking California-grown products to markets around the world. But beyond being a crisis link in the global supply chain, the state's goods movement sector is the backbone of the state's blue-collar high-wage workforce. From port workers, to truckers, to logistics managers, to warehouse workers, rail workers and more, the transportation and logistics sector creates well-paying jobs, spurs economic activity, and generates state and local tax revenue to help fund vital services.
CA Share of Total Trade Through US Ports
CA Ranking for Total Port Trade
(TX #1 at 18.66%)
Transportation & Warehousing Jobs
May 2022
Sector Job Growth Since Feb 2020
Source: Center for Jobs & the Economy Monthly Trade Report

The Goods Movement Alliance is a coalition of California industry leaders in the goods movement economy committed to creating and supporting common sense solutions to the goods movement crisis. The intricate and complex 'system of systems' is broken, creating a crisis of crises at every step of the supply chain. From statewide business associations, to industry sector leaders, to regional and local advocacy groups, the Alliance is committed to driving solutions that will address the short- and long-term problems in the goods movement sector.

Addressing the Current Crisis
Congested ports and roads, limited warehouse capacity, and unchecked cargo theft are impacting working families’ ability to access everyday necessities. This goods movement crisis is increasing costs for small businesses, farmers, and all Californians—hitting everything from consumer goods like diapers and food to housing prices.

Investing in Future Growth
Thoughtful policies from governments at the federal, state, and local level are needed to address current challenges and invest in priorities that will support future growth. To help achieve this goal, we must ensure California receives its fair share of the $1.2 trillion bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

Building A Resilient System
Transportation is the foundation of California’s economy and delivers the goods that businesses and families rely on daily. With uncertainty growing around the globe and continued disruptions from the COVID-19 pandemic, California needs to build a resilient system that can withstand current and unforeseen challenges.
For general inquiries, please fill out the form below or call 916-553-4093. To be part of the coalition, please visit the join the coalition page.
Goods Movement
1301 I Street
Sacramento, CA 95814